We will be migrating the service to full time SSL/HTTPS sometime this week. There may be a small disruption of service. We do not expect it to be more than an hour. If you have trouble connecting to the service, please check this page first for more information.
SSL/HTTPS will provide secure data encryption of your web traffic. This change is necessary because of changes to Chrome as part of Google’s effort to force the world to use HTTPS.
The viebuy.com server will automatically redirect you to the HTTPS version once it is up and running. VieBuy users will simply need to refresh the page to get the secure content.
BINSniper users will need to upgrade their browser extension. A version for legacy Firefox and compatibles will be provided and the BINSniper Sidebar for current Firefox releases. Existing extensions will not work with the new server. We will provide these updates thru the Mozilla Add-ons feature at the same time that the server is converted. Add-ons will also be made available thru this site if the Mozilla distribution is delayed for any reason.
BINSniper Sidebar users need to update to v4.1
Legacy BINSniper versions (< 4) do not need to upgrade, the server will adjust. If you can't update BINSniper Sidebar or access the server with a Legacy version for some reason, viebuy.com will be available, so BINSniper users can use that in the meantime. The cut-over of the server will be done at a period of low activity, likely early AM (US Central Time), mid-week.